
actually, i kinda like the skit that the teachers had today. nice and meaningful. that song, was the one that reali had my memories back. thats friends forever. what they sang in that song was true. as we go on, we remember.... o well.... today had to stay back to rush through the report.... was wit gideon and ka. gideon keep kickin the apple, and it flew like hell... and thats nice. sian.... wanted to tell my confidant things, but ppl keep poking their noses in...

wanted to have the two confidants into 1 conversation... but no chance. now that there is the learning carnival, i can use the net. but still.... hey i got a request. any 1 that has the friends forever song pls give to me thax.

3rd day of sch. quite ok.... jus pray that life goes smoothly.

to both of u: i need to clear things up. mayb in sch..... o well.

bye bub. cya and stay gold.

wa si ni lau pei( i am ur father) lol


well well..... that aint that bad. quite ok la.... jus that too less ppl there to cheer for us. shld be ok to get to tha finals.... jus hope. actually if we go or not its ok. jus go for the better good.

oh no..... now the ka noes... omg. saddening. at least she will keep her mouth shut. which i hope. but its better now, cause more ppl to tok to. o well..... jus force her to keep her mouth shut. feel like saying something but some1s around me.... so i shant say anything.

sch opens. sucks man. but at least... i get to see some ppl... to ka and friend: u noe wat i am tokin abt.

o well jus dun tok so much. was so encouraged by some1 before that thingy

bye bub. i am ur father. stay gold


hmm... sentosa is nice... too bad sand gets everywhere. well lets get started.

gideon brought soccer ball.... nt to play. so wierd. first was nigel. he kicked some water at me. then when i kick back accidentaly hit aw su, ka and ying ying. after that they kept trying to push me to the water... so bad. then the ball went to the sea!!!! lol. first time gideon went to take it. second time it float but actually can take but all of them fighting who shld take the ball and then it slowly float to the deeeeeep part. omg... lucky some 1 went hlp us take la. after tat nothin nice. i jus say the gideon part cause he was funny.

first was the blue line bus. got 1 empty seat beside him and then there is this old japanese woman sit beside him and then he keep smiling at her.... so wired.

second was the chi boy. there was this boy onli in underwear then when we walk past him he suddenly say'chi' then gideon turn back' boy y u say chi? u noe chi very vulgar or not?' omg....

last was an indian boy. he was running in the waves then gideon (again) tell the boy, ' boy u very cute'. lol.

in short quite fun la. hey sch opening in 3 days. sigh... miss the net and lvl 10 weapons!!!

bye bub. cyah.

back again

hey back again. countdown to the day scho reopens as onli 3 more days u noe....=(... miss the days i can play all day. today went to my uncle hse. the 2 cousins so cute... lol. went watch spiderman2 again. hey kx any memories?lol. o well. now when i re-watchy.... found some real mushy phrases. but cannot say... or kx and adriel come after me again. but i will jus say 1. to both of u: dun tink anything. jus phrase for fun.

every day he gazed upon her.
everyday he sighed with passion.

eww.... too mushy.

hey completed liao!!! totally owned the computer.

bye bub. cyah


o well. things mayb changin for the better. key word here is mayb. life is like a box of sweets. u will neva noe wat u will get. yes. bitter sweet sour and so on... wat is ur type? life aint a bed of roses. hmm...

work today. 2 papers completed in 2 days. tough goin. sentosa or initial d?god noes. see i am on which side. hmm... both seems nice. to the 1 who understands me again: which shld i go? that person goin sentosa... u choose. i dunno. gave up my life to fate. hmm.... confused i am. sigh...

startin to love the net. to heli attack 2 lovers: heli attack 3 is out. go for it. nt bad la. at least graphics are good. new weapons and stuff. sigh... holidays goin to say bb. lets prepare for sch. i tink that things are changing. givin up like b4. drifting apart, but willingly. mayb i shld jus forget abt all the stuff and concentrate on my studies.

bye bub. to that person: i respect ur choice


heaven is reali mocking at me. the person i need to see all this long decides to ignore me for no darn reason. wat did i do? heaven despises Man, and its true. for the person who understands, u shld noe who the hell am i tokin abt. that person. well, if this person decides to do so... i guess its no choice. i respect ur decision, although reluctanrly. if i did something wrong, pls tell me. dun leave me in the dark like that. hate it. sigh.... this is a note to the person who UNDERSTANDS this post. i give up. u told me to change my 'choice' but this 'choice' is somehow... wierd.

well irritating day tis is. work and more work. sigh... are holidays meant to rest or to do more work? i am bewildered... somehow, i jus feel myself tearing apart. y? wats causing this torment? god noes.... well well. this person i shall see y... sooner or later. i will ask u until i get my answers. play. work. love. life is colourful. but y do i feel such pain?

sigh... wat do we live for? play? work? live? my sis says that its to learn. all i noe that i am learnin that life is like tides. high or low. times are good and bad. i am through bad times, and it seems that its here to stay. how i wish i could see my own future. wats happening next? god noes...

i jus hope i can talk to u again. well... i kinda miss that life. hearin ur voice, echoin in me.

bye bub. for that person: stay gold


well well i am recovered. yet still very moody... y? who noes. well... i find myself very contidictory. firstly, i find that i can council ppl very well. cause i noe other ppl's feelings at times. however, wat i tell these ppl, i dun actually do it myself... then wats the use? noe the knowledge but yet dun put it to use. sigh... some times i find myself stopping, and lookin out for u... from ffx.
hmm.... but in the end there is a nice ending. for our lives, we go on and on, with no motive and target.

hey sch reopening. kind of miss this life. guess i better stop this slackin. yc.... i swear will br on top of u. haha. well well.. no more net no more ps2. sigh...... i tell u. life is so nice. they jus dun tell us wat is in store for us. heaven is unfair.

bye bub


omg.... i m so sick man. went doc yesterday and found out i got flu, cough, sore throat and all in a body. hell.... of all ppl me..... well i hate binng sick. mum bought durians and i carn eat!!! no!!!! y buy of all days but yesterday? the smell is intoxicating. sheesh... guess better recover faster or else all will be gone:(

net sick. wonder y i have this feeling that my ps2 is gettin more boring? guess i need newer games.... sheeesh, i have only passed 秒一 or someting like that. o btw i bought evolution 4 and its quite good. next week will be the best week to play and continue.... well, after all this is only my first time playing this machine.

bye bub. hope i recover.


haha! the song rocks man. believe it or not. at first i tot the song and dance was lame... but actually enjoy it in the camp nice. shld dance with a gal... by jonathan.but who? dunno lar... carn believe bb was the guy. still say its 2.80 haha. he would want it in hard cash so can play initial d. rx7 haha.

well...back from camp with a real nice voice. JIEJIE wanted me to drink lots of water... but its good actually. water... so important. my shoes sad.who cares... i got my ps2 and the computer. haha. ulcers reaaly are rocking my gums man...

well...casulaties are ineviable. example rl. so sad. hope her head recovers. although we'r enemies... haha. well... holidays rock man.

Miss you

hmm thought i would post this last 1 before i leave for camp. sigh.... i sure will miss my dear ps2 and my dw5. sigh....

well this is wat happened today. i went to sch for the skit practice. reached at 9. jonathan came at 9.40. so bored. so far its ok lar. but only he wasted lots of time, findin his watch bla bla bla. then it finished early n then i n yc went to central. bought bb tea. haha the shop was closed and so he carn buy his ROC cd. haha. but this means that he is gonna bug me for it. y he carn buy his own? nvm.

well, 7 more days to initial d. sure lookin forward to it.dunno how the camp will turn out. hope it will be good. will be back on saturday. until then.... stay alive...

bye bub


hmm...this is for dun get all mixed up ok? well lets go then.

morinin woke up so darn early jus to go macritchie, dun noe why become a practice in our family. however, i was so darn sleepy, but my mum still dragged me there. reached there and saw lots of runners. so pro. then jogged for some distance and saw my cousins who were there earlier.we raced to the end. yawn...had no mood but still ran. haha. then after that went home. mum went to drag bro to gym. hehe...went to use com. they also went ot my granny's death anniversary. actually neva seen her before...=(

at 10 plus my cousin came. played metalslug3 haha. after that went to buffet at 12. then i realised that bro was already there. he so greedy. kept eating. but quite nice. but very bored also. lucky some cousin of my got the brains to bring her gameboy and so i was saved. the journey back was nicer. my bro kept hitting his chest to get the gas out. tats the bad of eating too much! well... went home to slp..guess too tired.

after that woke up and found every1 was awake. played ps2 and rushed through xiahou yuan and yuan shao. so my bro can keep me in peace.then ate some porridge and here. goin to slp soon...

called bb for sometime. those freaks have influenced me to play initial d. argh.... bb says i m goin to join the mazda family...wat does he mean? dun tell me is 1 of the elvos..... no way. ah who cares. he sure to pick a car thats good for me. sigh...need money but no where to get it.... sigh.

bye bub

hmm.....did not post this yesterday cause was too tired. so did not bother... this is abt yeaterday...todays commin soon. well...lets get this started.

yesteerday woke up at 9am to take blood test(for wat?) siao. the cdocter ar...carn stand him. i asked him if it was painful and he said'a little' and jus jabbed without tellin me. was pretty numb. he tinks my blood is free. took a whole syringe of it. then i went out;. my bro was the best 1 man. he went in and came out without any cotton wool on his arm. he said:' THE DOCTER CANNOT FIND MY VEIN' i almost died of laughter. guess his arm was too thick. then he went in again. then the docter came out with him. he apologised to us and say cannot do the jab.

went home. he was complainin that he was late for his outing with his friends and all the stuff. practically wasted my afternoon. skipping from rs to neopets. carn play dw5 cause my bro took it first. 2 more characters to complete.. the worst is that he jus took lvl 10 weapons without me. wah lau.... any way, TO BB ,YC AND CLEMENT: IF U WANNA TRY OUT THE WEAPONS, GIVE ME A CALL BEFORE U COME, OK? I OSO HAVE NOT TRY OUT THEM...

went out for dinner and returned again. so bored. night wasted too. i guess i m really bored. guess its time to install ROC again. hm....

how to spend my money?LAN? arcade?initial d movie by jay chou? dunno... wallet? dunno... i tink i lost my skill at random game liao... mus go practice for the 15.... cause i tink goin lan with the two of them..... sigh... wat i hope to happen will never happen... but have to continue hoping bye for now

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