npcc rocks

ok. been away for a week due to tests so dun blame me.also... my keyboard 's s button not functioning well so.... forgive. first, the birth of the purse boy jonathan who jus dun believe that it is a purse. hmm... chin ah... dunno wat to say. np must say... so fun.

first was drill. nothin to say. campcraft was same. best of all is dance. i tell u was the hightlight.

first in a small area mus show darren sir....

next... we had a big space. first was the ketchup. i and clement(kc went to council) jumped so high.haha, then there was chicken dance. everything was not fun till kc came. first ketchup again. we 3jumped so damn freakin high and stomped so damn loud...haha. then chicken dance. first both of us sandwich clement by wackin his butt. lol. then he stood on my right then i and kc keep hitting each other...haha!last is mary moon. i and kc anyhow dance, supposed to move left we went in circles.....

npcc is fun. haha! next stop, they bringing us to sentosa. cool eh? haha. o well. got to go now.c u another day

bye bub. mass dance is nice!+)


ok lets tok. from fri first....

got the lit results. was so shocked that i got 24. haha. was stunned cause i usually got 16+ for lit and so thats why i stoned there.hmm but not bad la. then... wasted my time until np start. i tell u... NPCC ROCKS. lol. first drill. under the hot sun my boots did not crack for the first time. but was a little dull. sheesh... back to the old kiwi. had to teach the 2t ppl drill... so weird. they march with the same leg and same arm. haha. o well. sir wei hao came back... look so thin and so haha. he was the se-di ya se-nan-di ri machine.he made the poor sec 1s do sedi ya and bla bla so many times. so nice sia. pt was the highlight. was made the freaking squad ic, together with min ling. wat the hell!!!&*$#^ shit! must been cursed. sigh...then came the sec 2 streaming. i and gideon went opposite to eat.. then we order 2 plates of chicken rice. we ate.... and then when finished, the guy did not take out money, then we left! haha! funny. then played soccer. tan chia how fell twice cause calvin kicked the ball away just as he wanted to ram the ball. lol. then my ***** was so painful, gid crossed and hit my *toot then goal.. lol. the sec 2 streaming was boring. but ended quite early. saw many mums for the first time.. like yu chao's.haha. then saw careen's sis. nah i shant say anything here. tats all for fri.


lvl to 14. goin to 15 liao. o well. then me and bro fought. yay... great fist to fist that made my 2 arms ache after the np trainin... hahah. then went changi to eat. was showing man u and some other soccer team. they booed and ooo.... and stuff. loudest was when ruud vann nisterooy scored. they "GOAL!!!!" so nice right? perfect atmosphere. then goin home saw lots of aeroplanes. abt 3 was so near, i tink my ears would have blasted if i was not in the car. funnily... by jus staring at them fly... will feel kinda happy.

well had a bad training. have a bad life. will train for np. will study for streaming. will be so exhausted that i will faint. will have i bad sore throat cause i shouted too much. will vomit cause min ling is the ic. will die eventually. will be lvl 15. off now.

bye bub. u mofo?


damn u justin. ur freaking mage can lvl up so darn freakin fast my warrior is like crawling behind. wow.... i got ur stick. lol.hmm.. my stats. strength or dext? dunno.hmm... mus do well for tests. show me mum i can do it... then let me go out man. lan, anything. jus let me out of the boring house that maple is the only thing that can get my mind off things.

wat to study for maths? thats the only subject that i reali like la. mr leong is so nice, that the way he teaches is so good. makes the subject so nice. o well

wasting time

mr ong. we pay sch fees is to study. u want to punish go punish those who did it. it aint our fault and why punish us. ur words mean nothin. dun bang that freakin book on the freakin table cause its aint urs.

o well. nothin special except for the cheese pie ad. its nice la. same as the samuel and kevin. lol. not bad la the class. we have a business head... lol.o well. wat else....

if some1 can actually invent a time machine that can work and sucessfully bring us back in time... i will be his guinea pig. hnmm... goin back seems a good idea. we can amend our mistakes, do stuff that can actually change my future. did so many stuff that i shld not have made. its too late to change but can only 'suffer' from the consequences.

sheesh nxt week test again. hate it

bye bub. stay gold for the person out there waiting for u

hb kx

happy birthday kx. well.... told cha rachel wished u birthday... u dun believe me. huh! o well. art was nothin. sucks. i aint an artist. o well. stuck between fighter and page. hell. hate making decisions. huh! i dunno....

ok i blaring out now ok. i am super confused. nothin seems to go right... i dunno bub. its like.... things are goin as i expected. but... is this the outcome i want? is this the life i want to live? stay on like that for te rest of my life not doin anything to control my life? hate to be waiting for things to happen. i am impatient... tats wat i am. i cant change my character, for this is wat i am.

damn.. bored. sheesh. feeling much better? hell noes. all i can do is to continue to wait for an end that is like a fairy tale... never coming. i am normal on the surface, under the surface is a me that will blow up in any moment.

bye bub. stay gold for the special person waitin for u out there


damn. did not go sentosa cause my mum said i "jus recoverd from my fever" so carn go... but still went to mr quek's concert. quite nice. he sang 1 from phantom of the opera, and 1 from the project superstar. his singing is not bad la. can make album. then hanged out with chao, mq, valerie, jefry and alan. haha. the 'highlight is only this so i shall say out now.

i, chao and mq ran in front then we came to this information booth. we sat in there and waited for alan, jefry and valerie to come. we stole some mineral water in there. then, when alan came, we crouched and shouted, ' ALAN......." haha. then they came and we gave out the map. then, there was 1 guy who asked us if we were in charge of the booth and we said yea. lol! and then i took 1 whole pile and started to give out. half way through then there was this white guy at the booth. i dunno who he was so walked towards him. then, i found out that he was scolding them and i hid behind some advertisment, and put all the papers on some stone benchand waited. sigh... damn him. spoilt everything.we were helping him u noe.... lol.

well... thats all. any 1 who is interested in playing maplesea.. or playing now... if i noe u... pls add my lvl 21 warrior account: teelautan. this a list of all i noe who's playing


adriel: Thief: xSavageblowx
yu chao: Archer: kaladbolg
justin: Mage: Freezing doom Warrior:EndlessFury
me: Warrior: teelautan
rueylin: i tink starting so dunno yet
jiaying: mayb starting so also dunno.

so from this, i strongly urge u guys to play. haha. y? fun and we are playing. need help ask justin or yu chao. jus started and need a sponsor: find adriel or me... i may help u, cause i got 70k plus...haha

well at this i shall stop.
bye bub. cyah and stay gold for that special some1 who maybe watching the same moon and stars as u.


hell sick again. carn even sit up straight. wanted to vomit but cant. taken medicine but now still very bad. maple server down... every thing bad has happened. chao no use meetin at 8. maple is down... hell. hate being sick. hey i bored guys. call me... i am so bored. think i am gonna lie on bed again. 4th time already....

damn it.

worst days of my life.

hey back again... after many days of intensive trainin in maple... haha. well lets tok abt today.

national day. came to sch so early... then change into my so nicely polished boots then stand under the nice cooling sky and was waiting for the nice school to come down to the nice big parade square when the damn freakin rain came then the parade was cancelled and i spent so long polishing my boots... damn it. o well. in toilet changin then was tokin abt 'tuo pei gong' with clement...haha. after sch go with just, rl, chao and bb to lan. then we play maple. haha. then 3 of them went to behind bb hse to play dota... then ah...i n just tokin all the way home. then is so bored.

well... its been some time already. i dunno. has the effects appeared?is it wat i expected? i have no idea... just hope this small decision do not affect my life later on.damn... nothin special. concentrate on studies boy... confidants... has been some time ya?

well then bye bub. stay gold for the special some 1 out there that maybe waitin for u.... who may that be? who noes?


back bub. i totally hate mdm liang. she tells us to shut up and nxt moment wants us to tok. damn. today is a bad day.maple down... carn play. i onli killed a few miserable monsters. tats all. damn... in short totally bad. busy schedule. lit play, chinese newspaper, science presentation, np on fri, road marshall on sat and ndp contigent in sch on mon. damn. mus go see uniform in good condition... later 20 for 1 mistake.... siao. busy week this is and nxt too. o well.... dunno shld i go sentosa or not. bb they all not goin... then i go for wat. mus as well play lan. shld be installin gunz over the weekend so....

bye bub. no time to tok and stay gold. dun die easily. there are people out there who will do stuff u will tot he or she will never do.... u may be happy but others will feel miserable.


today normal. lit test. nothin to write... given 1 minute to go toilet... n stuff. want the bbq have... crazy frog rocks.

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