games day

well today's games day. went sch pretty early. then let the games... begin!!!

first was soccer. thn netball. but these aint nice. then later ppl get wild. we started to play water!!! first john sir splashed water on the sec 1s. nco ameer splashed on me!!! then we started to fill lots of water and splashed everywhere... i n kc took off our shoes off to prevent them frm gettin wet. wow the grounds hot man... well had fun. every1 wanted to splash lecia... wonder why. yong siang the pevert say wat.... dun say. its sick. today saw john sir sec 2 tat time... he had such nice hair style... lol.

overheard the campcraft team's trainin. i am gonna stick to it man. interested ppl.. here it goes.

pumping---- 3 sets of 20
sit up------- 5 sets of 30
some jump--- 5 sets of 10

and some other ones. confirm if u do these, every day do once in the morn, aft and in night, confirm super fit 1. i tink i will try.

well got to change the phrases. bye!


woah today is totally bad. came sch at 7 plus. wanted to go find mr ang with all the others. he came at abt 8 plus. we spent the time watching the ncc. then went to the auditorium. first time we and ncc guys were close. first time ppl wonder wat does k2fc2 mean. ( k square f C square). haha then we presented. haha i and clement keep laughing. lol. then they left for pds. left me and gong so bored....

went for road marshall. total bore. walked past the pds and saw their third class!!!!! NOOO!!!! i swear i am gonna get that.... no matter wat. show off lionel, kc n clement. damn. ah well.

cant believe i am shortlisted for campcraft team. i dunno shld i go... but i screwed up my diagonal lashing.... the square shld be ok.... o well.

tired out. walked dunno how many steps. just played maple. both sides are 50%... if i am nt wrong. o well... sleeping time. recover soon.


these are famous quotes from class 2e1'05 so.. copyrighted and dun copy.

dun be an ass----- unknown source
go eat shit and die go home and fly-----justin
i dare u.....-----gideon
sick and wrong-----jonathan
doo cock-----calvin and i
GST----- justin and jonathan
yo bub----- kai xiang andjonathan
xiang xiang---- gideon, adriel and calvin
wah carn stand u-----bb
u tooker-----erika
ok( plus indian action) -----me
alan wats ur problem------ sam tan.
nala aka oyster----- unknown
i love blood----- yc.
madelyn----- because i am the princess
joshua---- dont be a slut ah!
yingying---- llamabanana, hoi see wat, you, u,u,u, dodo

any more tell me!!!! i will edit here

last day in 2e1

boo to miss tan and mrs wong. they cut short the time together by 1 hour..... boo. haha today had a grand cleanup. mt rubbish.... lol. the time we spent was really short. jon where's the water champhane? lol.... well its just water. then took an incomplete class photo... justin when poof. hey guys who had the camera.... send me the bigger version.... the 1 i had is small.

haha was supposed to find mr ang. went i cube studio and took a peek. saw 3 ppl in there then we walked away. then gina the head councillor came out and say" the tallest come" who is clement. he was supposed to hook the thing to the plastic, but the whole thing came crashing down... haha they were so fustrated. cause i was the shortest, i carn be bothered to do anything so lay on the sofa.... ahhh!!!!

lol. well hope they solved their prob


haha reminisce time. bored of doin innowits for the whole grp so... need to de-stress. well this whole post is taken from my point of view.

First year.... 1e1 2004

first day i was late.... must have been a bad impression for all of ya. then i went to sit, behind alan, in front of mq, btw gideon and careen. i only knew sam tan, cause he was from the same pri sch. appointed the class committee ppl, rl became monitoress. alan wanted to be monitor but... to hell with him. lol. haha then started to mix gradually. knew gideon, alan, mq, careen, valerie, bb, jc, erika and rl. haha thats how the " legend" sponge gang started. the first enemy was surprisingly... samuel tan. haha but we came friends again.haha... we went around together. then came the character course. stupid 1 i think. my grp was me, tan, rl, hazel, jy and alan.( is that all?) then i kicked myself out, and started goin with kx and adriel. we stayed back in school and keep playing soccer. mysteriously i kinda began the friendship btw jonathan, me and justin. i rmb i met justin in a bus... cool eh? and somehow or other yc and wenxiang came join us. the sponge gang fever was blazing strong. was made geog rep... pinky lee was borned. gim hua cam by and gek sim began. miss goh was gone and came 2 weirdos. miss yan the greatest precher, second to only the great rabai of 2e1, jonathan. lol. not forgetting miss m. haha calvin we stuff lots of rubbish under jefry and joshua's table. lol. and 16 baos.... thats alot man.and things started to get wild. i tink yc jon and justin would rmb the risk... haha. siam would have sunk. haha. i tink bb got out and came to us and the five of us lasted until now. exams came and many of us lasted through, except for wen xiang, who went off to ACS... Bye!!! for u will miss 2e1'05... its great.

2nd yr..... 2e1 2005( ending soon =( )

OPENING OF MY BLOG!!! lol. the place i will record all these...
haha a blink and the second yr started. this was a yr of highlights? for 2e1. we won so many damn prizes... lol. the sponge broke, and things were back to norm. haha. the five of us stuck through again... with our friendship increasing. the begining of the yr was best. no enemies for me... and every 1 was ok but some how... more relationships mushroomed this yr. kx and rh, ad and haz... uncountable. the new yr decoration... and many others. the Sec 2 camp, mary moon, chicken dance... everything was great in short. the lit performances. haha the infamous outsiders rumble, the macbeth, macbeth's downfall, THE BLUE MUSTANG!!!!, the stage performance on literary evening. haha lots to remember 2e1. racial harmony day, international friendship day, and many others!!! art models, we had a great time man. Pe pants throwing, ba ba black sheep, the disappearance of harry potter, running from mr keong, arrival of the blastoise and ratatta... omg too much to list. mr quek and the quek clan.... poq. the KFC was created. in short, fun all along.exams came and went, with some getting good and bad results. had 3 good confidantes who kept secrets nice and safe. or shld i say 4... gained many good relationships. oysters created. good friendships. well end of the year. like it or not, we're gonna split. say good bye to each other... sob.

i am gonna say gd bye to each other soon. if tears flow, pls forgive me. i jus cant say good bye to this class. it started off bad and ended bad. but good for me. i wish i can say goodbye to evry1... even to my enemies.

sigh.... typing all these made me think hard. haha. all the old memories came like a tide and now staring blankly and my ppt.

back to the topic. gonna continue for my innowits. i carn help it, i just feel sad man. i dunno wat to say. thanks to all of u. after tomorrow, we only got 1 last day. i am gonna do it, no matter wat.


jon went around takin photos. haha... for memories sake i guess. hmm mayb i shld take some... but i dunno man. these few days i feel total lethargic. feel sleepy here and there. hmm nothin to tag... cause days are getting stagnant. o ya mr quek's dance was so freakin funny. his actions are mostly either over reacted or totally off. haha. even the 2e2 guys and 2t1 boys were laughing too. but weird... onli 3 from zhss went up. where the others go??? so weird...

sigh days are gettin borin. no games, boring maple, no new ps2 games... no other worse days man. just 3 days left. carn hlp feelin jumpy. the final blow's comin and we have nowhere to hide. we shall be separated and thats the fact. pah.... mayb its good to split. then again... mayb nt.


haha today was a ordinary day... but spent half of the day in the hall.... due to the badminton match. or shld i say street soccer court? lol. wah lau nigel ah... total joker man. purposely do some stupid action to make the opponent laugh... i tink almost most of the class was lookin at him la. and he wore red underwear... how superstitious.... well then like usual.... went to the pull up bar. still stuck at the pathetic 1 man... when can i advance???

went to play soccer. ad gid yc and i vs kx kc bb and clavin. drawed 7-7... i tink i scored 1, but other 2 is inside the semi-circle so nt counted.... ah wat the hell. sweated so much... guess thats the first time i did so much excercise after my fever so... i dunno. felt totally tired and sleepy when i went back to class and thats where i tink my fever started...

aft that thw innowits we onli got 14 slides when ppl got 40 plus. guess u guys need to come my hse again. sky's dark when go back home. tired to wait for the bus so ran to the mrt station. walkin walkin.... then suddenly felt my head was dizzy... spinin... and so just walked on the road without lookin for cars. there was 1 that honked and i woke up... running to the pavement. it lasted all the way home. then feel better while watching the russel peter... hes a great joker. then .... i touched my forehead and it was burning. just drank a super hot and bitter tea.... mom says will recover if sweat. my head aint hot, but throat a bit burning cause gluped down too fast. well i tink i got the most illness in the year.

well i tink i am on off maple... gettin kinda boring. all i want now is to be a perfectly ok person.... heard from my parents that on christmas they are bringin us to holiday again... so i may spend my b'day overseas.... nvr did this before. wonder how it will feel.

am i being over paranoid?


haha once again today's a normal day. except we spent half the day in the hall... or rather most in the street soccer court. nigel's a total joker... purposely does that stupid action just to make the opponent laugh... i tink most of us were lookin at him la. later we felt bored so... went pull up bars. lol. still stuck at the pathetic 1. but anyway, we went to plat soccer. yc ad gid and me vs jc bb calvin and kx. then nigel came. draw 7-7. i tink i scored 1, but 2 others in the semi-circle so... nt counted. sweated the whole body. was the first time i actually excercised since my fever recovered.

aft sch still got to show the innowits. haha we gt only 14 slides.... while ppl have 40 over. like wat crap. i guess u guys better come my hse again. aft sch the sky turned black again. then on the way back, i suddenly felt dizzy. but head started spining and just turning my head makes me feel weird. well i tot was ok so heck. came home watched finished the funny comedy. it was then i touched my forehead and it was burning... again. damn. just drank a super bitter and hot tea... mum says if sweat its good. haha. now my head feels ok... but throat is burning.... drank too much hot stuff i guess.

am i being over paranoid?


i hereby say that i am sick... even on the hottest day my feet can be cold and my hands are no better but... at least better then yesterday. yesterday was pratically whole body like a freezer. tmr innowits team will b at my hse at 12 plus.. and the presentation is corrupted. hope i recover by tmr or else... i bring the whole team down. previously kelvert was sick.

ffx disc is corrupted and so... who ever have the disc lend me ya? currently hooked on to striker of the month. is the web. wah lau gid is so pro la... his max is 200k mine is onli 50k... sheesh.

well now i am willing to accept any remedies that can help me.... hope i recover. nxt week got sale, innowits, np, open hse... packed with stuff. nt includin atc which is 11,12,13 and class which is 15,16,17. my days are so packed. pray my fever dun go any worse.

npcc... and parting

well i am gonna say this the last time i am gonna say this. its onli 7 days more to the parting of ways. haha.... i want to thank all the other ppl i noe in the class... no matter ur my friend, enemy or stranger that i noe in the class. i sticked with u guys for 2 yrs... no matter i hate or like u. for this... i thank u. if ur my enemy... i hope that u will receive my thanks and leave all the misunderstandings behind. for friends, u guys noe me best so i shant say any more. for strangers, just thank u for making 2e1 the best or the worst class that walked the planet.

sheesh. np was tiring but strange... a whole trainin passed without any umping. but i did over 100 in class so.. i dun mind. cards and nfm summed up the day. np ah... damn. how come i can screw up my bowline... but pegging was much better. and sheesh... i am not in the drill team just because i carn se-diyah with my rifle!!!! i can flip it... but nt se-diyah. and clement bragged it... damn. but nvm... all the best nxt time. ATC is nearing... and nxt week still have trainin. got nothin to say. innowits in for mon and sat. np team coming over again on sunday. tmr's sentosa dunno shld go or not. my time is so crampped...

come to think of it... i miss this class.... many memories.. good or bad happened in here.last yr and this yr... we sticked with each other ( except wen xiang). i hope i can go to a new class... but miss my old friends. got so much to say and so many to thank. i guess its reali time to say farewell to each other. all we can hope is that we hope we stay in contact. i just cant drive this feeling out of me. its in me... and its stuck. i summarise up.



haha... today was a wacky card game day. omg.. i tink i played more then 10 matches... including the new push- up type. wah i tink i did over 100 la. lets see... 30+20+12+15+.... heck la. its trainin up u noe.... haha. but i only can do one pathatic pull up..... bah... carn seem to get pass 1. o well... all the best m'boy. i got to do at least 3...

calvin arh... hes the biggest crapper i ever seen. wah lau today magic he got more then 6 mana... but no monster. then all the good monsters at the bottom.... haha. np having atc... its confirmed. and i have nt touched my squad list!!!! damn. aiyah the most 60 lor... i can do for keong... why nt? but i wont get the whole squad down with me. wonder wats on for tmr... the list nt up yet.

haha... jord ur right... abt adiction to maple.... there are some addicted ppl in our class.

well realised that there is onli 1 more week. ppl are happy, but some aren't. no matter how "hard" u may... u can't help but miss the ppl from this class. for me, i tink i will miss

bb, yc, kx, calvin, justin, jonathan, gideon, jordan, adriel, nigel, rl, the cards gang ( u noe who), and many others that i did nt include. well lets cross fingers that we mayb in contact, and so i strongky urge u to go to class chalet, or better, stay!!!

well seems times up. i got to go polish boots!!!! so stay close, gold and be close to that friend that u are close to( for example i n kx :P)

peer tutoring

haha.. today was a super slacking day. so many free periods man... and the chapteh matches are totally nicela. onli bad thing today was that i tio punished at np. got to do 30 man.. (easy) but worse i got to rush for peer tutoring. and skipped lunch!

haha.... peer tutoring was damn lame, we learned to draw models and that is like, hello? p6 work? nvm but later, the 6 of us: i, justin, jonathan, kenley, yingying and rl... haha. things got super funny. we were like the only table who were pratically laughing our stomachs out. first, we did gideon's "quiet quiet".... then we started foloin mdm tan, saying " i dunno" and "can u please help me?" those kinda stuff.... haha. the whole room was pratically filled with laughter. then we went to the past, when miss yan were teachin us and we were throwin wanton, fishballs... haha. and miss m, who off the fan to "punish" us but on again cause she was feeling hot! o and i n justin remembered... we saw her once and she wanted us to go to some church for some events.... haha. weirdo....

haha. well these days are onli possible when exams are over. its good but, it means that the time we have left is getting lesser. just be urself, but dun forget 2e1, the best or worst class that walked the planet!!! (take ur pick)


wat a lousy day. hlped tan lvl to 15 today at pb... but i myself did nt level up. went shumi but gave up... too tough. and worse. went slime tree... but half way at 96%.... suddenly dc. frm then on, i carn use the net. laptop carn detect any wireless... nt even mine! wth... this is the worse maple career i ever had.

but on other hand... can use the time... like chatting n blogging. though many guys are now in bootes enjoying, at least got the company of others. justin changing his stir fried girly hair.. finally. haha.

well thought over carefully and decided to go b4... though bro say phy more impt but the test before midyear my bio get higher then my phy so i decided to go b4. sry lionel but come to b4 if u want.

well time is runnin out for our class. all i can look forward to for the rest of the 2 plus months in this yr is ATC, class chalet and my bday. haha.

this is a note to all npcc ppl. i will onli do the list on thurs. if not call minling to do. i dun care if she spamms or even if she reads my blog. i have done more then wat u did for this squad. u dun like to be ic neither do i.. cause u are the assistant. i am unwilling and yet i compeleted 3/4 of the whole aquad list. wat u done is nothing. i repeat, nothing! i dun care if u swear at me. the most i get pump by sergeant. i dun care. 30 -60 pumping is nothing... i did 60 for mr keong. i dun care if i do 100 a day. u go get the rest. i carn be bothered. the most i do the list on thurs... for the sake for the SQUAD... i dun want the squad get pumped because of the fact that i gave out more for the squad list. i dun noe how u are gonna do it, u get the info urself


today i got to handle the rifle. dont reali master the rosok shenga tah. well hear this:

today holdin my first rifle... fallin in. mr thana whacked zhen wei stomach: Stomach in Chest out, come on man, dun be a ****... dunno wat he said.... Too muffled. thanks justin for sendin me the patch. time to play!


well did not do as well for maths as i thought i would. hell... to think studying helped? but kx ah... the no of calls i wasted on u ah, if u did nt get quite good marks for hist ah... impossible. u will be letting down all ur friends and family, esp me haha. chin i knew i wont do well. science is ok i tink... hist is real good man. 78.. and the source based that i did in 5 min got 11... aint that bad.

sheesh today's nt lucky. maple down to 10 and tmr got np... well will make up at night. we will play all night!!!

exams are over... no matter wat we do, we cant change it so... try to accept it and nt let it ruin ur holiday mood!


once again. i shall give many thanks to mr justin quek, for helpin me so much in bootes... he gives financial and quest aid... and transfered my stuff... thanks again. now lvl 19... just one more lvl to lvl 20... but still carn use stinger. guess i got to go pb. got 100 red and 100 blue... all armed and ready... time to be a abatoir.. lol.

tmr's sch. but no stress.. expt that results are given out i tink. and congrency.... will there be a test? no way.... hope aft givin the results.. we can go comp lab.

time flies. we got less then 3 weeks together in 2e1. lookin back, there's good and bad memories in 2e1, and last yr 1e1. spent half me sec life in these 2 classes which some ppl called it the worst class ever. how true i dunno, but there are memories that we carn deny. will we stay in contact when we go sec 3 nxt yr?guys are wearin long pants, gals no change. but 2e1 will be in our heart, no matter how much we hate or dislike it. its there to stay, no matter if u like it or not.

well since these are the last few weeks, say wat u want to whom u want to say. do wat u want before these days are out. though nt includin class chalet but.... my point is, treasure this class... no mater u hate or like it.


haha... today's the best day. feel alive all over. well lets start.

first we went to play lan, then the freakin rule said under 16 6 start... like wth. but nvm still had fun.

went to bowling!!!! haha. thats quite fun leh. the four, i yc bb and jon went to bowl. haha. jon is like so pro la. i think for of us got strike at least once, i tink i got 2wice. tats aint bad ok... haha. realised red is lucky for me. hmm... mayb we shld go bowl another time man. thats so fun, except that the ball so heavy, my finger nail twisted.

blind mice nxt. though childish but fun. jon tan is officially in. haha... fun fun fun the whole day.

finally the hoils are here. gonna slp late... yea!

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