long post

well well i am back. no chance of saying stagnant blog now... haha. well now lets see if this post can have a maximum number of words of not cause... i gonna blog from december 23, which is the day i flew, to today, which is new year!!!!! 4 events. bangkok, maple, jr nco course and.... b'day.

well where to start.... began the journey to bangkok on the 23 of december. well to those who did not know, i am actually air sick. no matter wad, when i am on a plane, i will feel uneasy. no matter its movin or not. weird eh? well like that. flight there was ok but still uneasy and poof landed. took a long time to find baggage. the photos i will show later. in my sis's laptop. gt loads of crap photos. we went to this place called MaBoongKong. or MBK in short. haha. if it was MKB it will be monkey king bar, a item in dota.

2nd day. went on this tour. went some temple or floatin market. wah the floating market is only like less then 10 boats??? thats a floating market??? more like individual market. and more shopping. this is shopping trip so... nothin much. flight back was more interesting. plane when up and down, worse then a freakin roller coaster. worst is, it was landing. i thought the misery is gonna end when it took off agn. argh. made me so dam air sick. got off burped loads off time. yucks. well was my b'day that day. haha. well made a ordinary wish. thats wat many people at my age will wish. i think. well 2 items down... 2 more.

this word is one that is in me. for life.haha. the course was dam tiring. till now my hands have muscle strain. when i straighten it i will feel immense pain. thigh area too. chest used to have now no. well in exchange for all these, i get coporal rank, 3rd class drill badge and also campcraft badge. campcraft i tot i will fail without knowin the highwayman hitch and the diagonal lashing but... well guess my tent pitchin is jus too.... ok. haha. best was the toast that we had. and the new cheer. fish!!!! haha. nice eh? well.... lucky my squad is quite united. muahahaha. well i also realised 2 things in this course. first, the ncos are nice. we thought they are pump and pump. but no. 2nd, the sirs and ma'ms are nice too. not pump and pump too.

well last but not least, maple.
ah lvl 39. i lagged like hell in the trip. now rl and mouse so high lvl. so sian right? but, on the other hand, i made a dam good friend. that is dark. dark if ur reading this... yay!!! his ign is actually Darkzero05 and Darkzero09. so nice right? gave me so many good stuffs this dark. man he rocks haha. second one that is nice is none other then my master........ JUSTIN!!!!. haha. gave drop party. i profited the most. lolli, cats eye, green napo and lvl 60 warrior top. hhaa. man he rocks too. thirdly, i have been nicely christend the name atm. lol. by rl jus because i gt her a cromi. lol. well thats all.

sec 1 orientation. i am a facilitator. cool eh? i dunno either.

well thats all. amazing i typed so much. longest ever i suppose. well i tink i will be off to maple. before that... i would like to wish u.... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! soon.


well is the last night here. b4 i fly that is. ah.... last few stuffs to pack. well lets start.

went to sch for something i shld nt be there. well i dunno. went early and waited dam long. zzzz..... then lunch time was quite fun. we (i n clement) went opposite. bought this thing called 1 metre of fun. 1 dollar. it was this roll of lime jelly or something. startin wasnt that sour. slowly it gets worst. then i told clement " i dare u stuff the whole thing in your mouth". he ate 3/4 of it so he put 1/4 into his mouth. all i can say was his mouth was trembling with sourness. then i ate only half and i stuffed it into mine mouth. wah dam sour. tears almost came. well we ate waffles to lessen the sourness. haha.

then was the dry run. felt like an idiot. i shld nt be goin cause i am flying but... well wasted my time as i said. nothin but talk the whole day. dam sian.

argh bangkok. wake up in 6 in the morning. well b4 i slp tonight i gonna do some stuffs. like... i dunno. ah its all crap.

be back only on 26 and will be back home at abt 9 or 10 bah.
haa to all, merry christmas. i wont be in s'pore to wish u.

maple and all

well i jus realised my blog havent move a single inch so here i go.

maple. my dit has showed more promise then my warrior. svg is the only thing that keeps me going. more money, and i am gonna clear my debt. well k fan so shiok. but i carn use that much aft today. mon gt to go sch. fri flying and come back at sunday. and on mon gt npcc... so sad. 27, 28 and 30 gt npcc. so... i was wonderin if any1 wanna watch narnia on 29. the only day i am free.

today jus found i am sec 1 facilator. ah jus dunno. but can drag the sec 1 to npcc. tell them the nice things abt np. dragger haha. wonder will there be a camp or like jus come and go. i mq clement jia jie and careen. are 5 of us gonna be in charge of a class or wat. o well.

argh so bored. maple is also boring.

well i tink i will blog when i return from my trip. till then, hope i can hit lvl 38.

am npcc

haa. most of my holidays are spent on this cca i am in. tiring, time consuming but most importantly... its nice, fun and enjoyable.

yesterday went to SANA ( singapore anti narcotics association) hq to attend this course. well quite nice. first was the boring lectures. hate them... feel like sleeping. most stuff learnt in spectrum... but jus listen. then gt this old instructor. i tot will be dam boring but hey!!! that instructor is dam funny. haha. all the matters he makes it simple, short, and funny. told us drug slangs like crazy horse pill, yada and bla bla bla. hope he teaches in zhss. lol.

then have to come up with this skit. wah first time with monfort and chai chee work together... so nice. lucky it went smoothly. test? got... chicken feet. no 1 failed!!! the nice instructor gave so many clues. of which the best 1 is" jus choose all of the above." hhaa. so nice man.

went to kfc eat dinner with gang. all of them comin on fri to do project. nt all but the innowits gang. we can watch russel peters again.

npcc takes up my life... but i like it. haha. yrs comin to an end. 3 festivals coming. in which 2 of them are consecutive. *hints... no la jus kiddding. be at home most of the time. grandma who is in hospital is recovering. thats gd news. maple is goin nice.

haa lookin forward to wear long pants. well gotta slp. gd night. o n jr wraith are so cute.

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