well well new year.... chinese new year. more like a 4 day holiday for us. yippe man. burnout revenge my rank is insane. crazy eh??? and i found a new hero. pandaren battlemaster. item build havent consult yet but... so far my rough item build which may not be good, turns out ok. next up is.....

past few posts have been on games so lets talk about work. who actually done ur little commomwealth essay??? not me... i jus too sian to do it. can i jus tell mrs raj that i cant do it??? cause... i jus dont like it. 1.2k words... i rather spend 1.2k mesos la. haiz so crap. no way... no innovation too.

besides that any other homework?? not to dampen ur "festive" spirit but a-maths and e-maths tests are just after our holidays. prepared??? well fire at me man... i am "geared" up now.

tmr is the last day. enjoy to the max!!!!

today issnt much of a hong pao collection day. more like temple praying day. but not bad, haul still ok. but thats not the topic i wan to blog abt.

the real 1 is here. i went to temple to pray, then i saw some1. very shocking. rl will noe who is it. is the 1 i am disgusted with. not disgusted la. the 1 who keep jutting in my conversation... ah u shld noe who is it. either is that person, or is some1 who looked like her. in balastier 1 of the temples. wicked sick.

o ya my rank in burnout revenge is rank 7, which is err.... carn remember.

yo yo its me again. with a new skin. got kinda bored so... here it is. well nice or not i dunno. first time using it.

i have unearthed a hiddened game... that is fun!!! all happened this afternoon, that changed my view of it. these few days are over on dota. too high on it liao. then bro wanted to use so.... nvm lor i go play ps2. then i realised i havent touch my Burnout Revenge for a long time so... tried it. the effects is instant. played first map i was high liao. but eventually... he he... i got attracted to this particular type. u jus drive this car, hit a strategic spot, and watch the other cars crash u and boom bang the chaos happens. some more when a bar is charged up u can EXPLODE it. making the money flow in like a river. haha. btw the points are counted in money.

therefore, i shall end that i have 2 dearest now. dota and Burnout.

addiction is good. pass it on.

yo yo tis is ur dj samuel speaking from u live from china black!!!! lol. camp is fun but slack, nt like np camp lol. so lemme start. i lagging man.. every 1 posted abt this.

left school. on the trip on the bus every 1 was so err.... bored? until we saw this sign called hardcore... made na pok hit the roof man. then we found that our group's name is actually Bagheera. not bad eh? gt a cheer some more. but that comes later. first item low elements. haha the low wall yuen chi and jordy soloed. so pro ya? then i tried to solo. wah half way both of them pulled me up. hmm abt to fall so good anyway. then dam muddy. muhahah. then comes flying fox. i one of the last. o and the instructor is steamer. lol. haha. then comes lunch. SO DAM BLOODY SQUEEZY. wad the hell... o well went on with activities. then here comes our cheer so listen up u people.... its creative.

Panther Panther Bagheera Bagheera Bagheera
Fast and steady on the run.
Steady Steady pom pi pi
pi pi pi pi pom steady
de dum, de dum, de dum de dum de dum de dum de dum.....

nice eh? here comes the item. supposed to be every1 is dancing in a disco, i am the DJ and jordan, yuen chi and eugene supposed to be the rappers. they have a name ok... dun play play. called the Black Gay Engine. lol. then off to slp.

{{ Tuesday}}

day 2. every 1 woke up sleepy like sht. first high ropes, then the feared nature rumble. but its quite fun actually. and i mean it. haha. terence was behind me. he ah.... keep saying so many dirty stuff. so muddy... every1 went " eww!!!" and stuff. o then we went to river. had a great river fight. jun yang, jordy and i were on 1 side splashing others. so song. then vry big ah. then continued. the river cleaned our shoes. then rafting. i was practically the campcraft guy. tie knots till now still gt a little rope burn. the knots so tight la. confirm wont come out. but thats aint fun. real starts at kayaking.

tis 1 need a fresh new paragraph. i jun yang and jordan is in 1 kayak. we first to set off... first to capsize. we succeded after 2 tries but so many water inside. then we started to dish our water. but more we dish, more water went in, lol. irony. then we started losing control, wobbling left and right, then capsized agn. lol. we capsized 5 times in total. actually capsize also has its fun. lol. then campfire. nothin to say. except that the technical probs let our skit look so pathethic. eeee... o well off to slp.

tats all i gotta say for camp. in npcc the parade. so fun ya? haha... lionel... sad for u man. o well.... dota is my life. my soul. the new craze. follow it.

yo yo back agn haha. once a week i shall blog. tis is a tiring week, full of work and blah blah blah. so tiring man.. zzz. sian man.

dota. hooked on this game man.... jus like hw pudge meat hook some1. haha. played bnet. found 2 charas i like alot. first is vengful spirit and other is bloodseeker. both nice 1... quite fun to play. haha. late game heros, but weak in early game. mus tell my dota consultant bb abt wad to buy and stuff. and wad other hero to use.

maple kinda sian. suddenly the pushing factor is gone.. poof. i dunno. find dota more interesting man... so fun. maple must thank dark for passing me the pants. lol.

sec 3 camp coming. jus tomorrow. think will it be a good 1? doubt so. these few days only push by a factor and a person, dota and to own yc. but... he keeps comin up with weird ideas, my comp's totally babok. eww.....

tis is gonna be my 3rd camp in 2 months. atc in dec, sec 1 camp on first week now this. all the same stuffs bah. but wth kayaking is the last item... nt the first. kayaking rocks man.... looking forward to it. but is 1 man or 2 man 1??? o wad the heck.

obession by dota and ......... games. haha. tink i am goin crazy over dota man.


laggin behind. due to the mountains of work and play. haha.

work first!!! first week in school. haha my class are full of jokers. carn stand them. make use laugh when the whole class is feelin down or sian. like bala, shawn and yuen chi. looks lke my class aint too bad after all. lol. like bala and his pe warm up... in hell.... in heaven. like so bloody funny la. work isnt that bad. so far can understand.

now maple. haha earned my first million but it went as fast as it came. but nvm... but worst is i let a great deal slip past me. sigh.... could sell it to my master but... o well. lucky weekend this is. gt 4 drops and a scroll which sold for quite high. haha.

well dota last. haha. played my first human match with yc. ok la... sparked the begining of my dota career. haha. played vengeful spirit, sand king, lich, drow ranger, broodmother and treant protector. all quite strong. yc used phantom lancer, magnatour, omniknight, techi, and i carn rmb le. haha. now mus train up.. then play b net or hamachi. muahha...

well weekdays are coming agn. no more playing on weekdays... mus study. weekend then unleash my playing chiongness. muahaha.

well well i am back again. tired man...

sec 1 orientation. cool eh? facilitator for the first time and i hope... the sec 1s rmb moi. i took e2... pretty weird eh? well heck it. slp less then 6 hours on 2 days and now my voice flew away. justin and bb says my voice is so sexy now. haha. well done my best and won 4 prizes man. shocked for 2 of them. lol. and miss goh is now formally known as mrs wong. she sound so old. haha no offence. o and she gonna pass me some website call those who interested in seeing her wedding photos.... i gonna get it on mon. all who want it tell moi i pass to u.

and now cca orientation. my class dun wanna join... boo but i nvr check the list. mayb they did join. i dunno. best part is, 100 plus ppl signed up!!!! yay!!! 3 cheers and 3 cheers and 3 cheers for np. lol no la. 100 is only write down. the interview will be worse. haha. i will be there to crap around.... lol.

missed so many lessons. and rl mixed with anataisa. i am so shocked. i mus prove that bryan also can do it. haha no la jus kidding. well now i am dam tired. jus learnt a math and found that they are beatin around the bush after 1 hour plus. zzzz..... i gonna chiong this yr. maths geog all bao ka liao.... lets start my chionging by..... sleeping. i a, jus too sleepy

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