i am just goin to say 4 words. I AM SICK AGAIN!!!

once agn.... tests are upon us. no mood to play or anything. with nothin to study, no mood to do work, and a spoilt np boots, tis is mayb my worse week ever. sheesh. tomorrow. it all begins. lets all concentrate on tests. we can only hope on 1 thing. that is.... THE BBQ!!!! haha. mum allowed me to go. well thats it. goin to slp soon. o and 1 more thing. say i am addicted or wad i dun care. my spiritbreaker is improving. finally. the second most impt in my life is gettin better.

lau the unholy knight speaking. lol. only got this weird nick over like the past few days. anyway, lemme tell u abt today. totally suck!!!

sigh. first few periods was ok la. but gt a shock when ft called me durin ss. i was jus sittin on the chair, mayb the way i sit tats why i gt called out. but nvm. aft recess. hurricane miss leong took a slpin toll of more then 20 ppl with their heads on the table. muhahah. and i can tell u. in the 9 sit radius of me.... all were asleep except me. bryan was slpin too. and i tink 12 sit radius also gt alot of ppl slpin. in fact all!!! lemme see.... errr bryan, humin, charissa, shirlynn, jac, ying zhen, jy, liqun, rl, lena, chen were all in dream land. jus count. so many!!! nt forgettin the other half....

today's npdp wasnt that good. did hentak for more then 5 min!!!! my legs, my calf, or wadever la. imagine 90 degrees all the way non stop. then the wind was so strong, wan to keep the flagstaff straight also nt easy... nt forgettin catchin the flag. today played few rounds with bb. i mus go on with dota.... but tests come first. before all else. maybe not....

nothin much today. i cant stress this enough. MY BOXES ARE IN GREAT DEMAND!!! EVERY 1 IS LITERALLY GRABBING FOR IT!!! i gave 1 to ad my great buddy and 1 to napok... for no reason. now i am left with 2 a3 size box. i upgraded my box too. but i dunno who i shld give leh... later ppl say i am biased. i am so confused.... anyway ty to clement i vomitted... i dint ate lunch and i jus blared everything out. kikapoo... green vomit. amazing??? GROSS

nothin much to talk abt. the only thing i can talk abt is i finished 7 jian bao in 2 and a half hours. thats amazing for me. thats nt the worst. I BROKE MY CREST!!! MY FREAKIN CREST ON MY BERET!!! no way. i am panickin now. wad if i carn get it by fri??? no way. i mus get it somehw.

nothin to post abt so.... read tis advertisment below.

need something to put ur stuffs??? cant find some1 to supply u with that thing that increase ur amount of stuffs in sch??? look no further. welcome to samuel's box givin err.... pte ltd. wadever. we over here assure u that all the boxes we give are of TOP QUALITY. so if u are interested in having ur very own box, write ur name over on the tagboard on the left. so far there are orders from adriel, yamashibubusiongsafetyhelmentfirebushbodyodourboy, napok, bird, jy, bala. chenying nvr say she wanted....

you might wan to add where u sit in class in the tagboard too. for we will have a GRAND LUCKY DRAW!!! the lucky winner of the lucky draw will get to walk away with all his or her stuffs...... to my seat!!! and i will move to urs. now for every box u have, u are entitled to a chance to win this lucky draw!! and the nxt lucky person to win it maybe u! yes u! the one reading this!!! thats all for now folks. till then, stay tuned to check whos the lucky person!!!!

yo yo... today is T.G.I.D.D so.... lets enjoy ourselves. anyway gt loads to talk abt so lets get down to action!!!


it was so cool. i, jord, kenley and napok were in charge of the front door. the front part we seal it up until very nice... very neat. BUT!!!! they say they dun have the cloth!!! so we stuck the garbage bag to the floor. MESSILY. we were 1 of the last, due to the lack of the masking tape. then.... mr lee showed us this amazing video called.... Butthead and beavil. err.... cool. the "movie" was actually nc 16... but it was funny anyway. well who cares if it was nc 16. anyway every1 was laughing abt it.... even when the movie was over. hope mr lee will let us finish watching the film. i tink e3 is willin to do hw for 1 week jus to watch that. err maybe not.


today... the moment i woke up, i had this bad feeling. abt wad? i dunno. i jus had tis feeling that something will go wrong today. it happens later. nothin much except that miss leong gave us excellent hw. i love it. i swear i am gonna pass my maths... and make sure they are near full marks. i hope. anyway... np came and tis is where the bad feeling came in.

first, the moment we gt off the bus and into shelter, it RAINED LIKE A HURRICANE WAS BLOWING. so heavy. i almost gt drenched. well my bag did. next. the little flagstaff i took was kaput. all the others were so heavy, mine was so light and so wobbly. and... the bottom was like already in bits and would jus have wood chips dropping when i slam on the floor??? and guess wad. clement pulled it to him and i pulled to myself. and... IT BROKE!!!! into 2. my bad feeling came true. VERY TRUE.

dota came nxt. i used shadow fiend first round. nxt round gt owned by boon's sand king. eugh... he is pro. and even though i died so many times... he told me that i have potential. tats probably wad will make me go on playing dota... to be like bb one day.

well b4 i go... those who want their boxes... leave ur name at the tagboard. i have to count. and.... first tagged first serve. i may nt have THAT many boxes. tats all. adios

yo yo.... gt loads of stuff to post abt. haha. err.... cool.

ipp yesterday leh. and it was so cool, or rather so hot. thn mr lee showed us this great little movie. dam nice.... i cant forget it beveil or wadever and butthead. so cool. i shall say more tmr. today tou gong jian liao

yoz..... its me agn. haha. lets jus say i am so surprised that my chem gt 28/40 la. with acmmm as the greatest chem class bagheera has ever seen. wow.... does it mean that i will do well with great teachers??? so means my hist will be good, bad, better or worst... lol. lets see. sec 1 had gh.... and poof failed all the way. sec 2 had mr quek. had a2 u noe... this yr is gh. thn mayb it is so good, will hist repeat itself for me to fail all the way? and also.... mayb nxt yr we get hazry, which ppl say is as gd as quek. then will hist repeat itself agn???

lol. chim eh??? anyway i bet with dinesh that if i pass agn i will write fague or fagil or wadever 1000 times and burn it and drink it with water. i mean it. for the banning of myself from dota 1 week... forget it. i cant pass that. i cant live without it!!! lol...

so many ppl play dota. heard frm jord or wei ge tat jun ting is playing too. wow... so many ppl liao. we can create a e3 dota club, then we can all train together and beat other classes, organise dota competitions... bb will be our leader man. hope i can be like bb tat pro but... long way ya???

tmr ipp liao. mayb can slack. muhahaha. haha go now. dreaming of dota... hope weekends comes sooner agn!!!

today is the day... my pop brought all of us to see the car hes goin to buy. its a 7 seater car that kind... i wouldnt mind. BUT! ITS SQUARISH. VERY. wah... and they dun mind. i jus find it weird. like a box moving around..... but their money their decision. and guess wad i saw. a RX8!!! omg. i sat in the car.... so cool. the whole car is so cool. the hand brake, the seat, every inch of it is cool. if i had the money i would buy it. but is 100k over so... heck we went home.

went home done nothing constructive except goin for tution, doin my tmr's tution hw. and play dota.... shant talk abt dota. past few talkin abt dota all the way...

hmm wad else... lemme tink

ah this whole day is so boring. and more irritants nxt week... like hw nice. like gim hua the 'Greatest teacher e3 will ever see. and we are doin the roses thing on mon. jus lemme be a postman. its fun to be 1.

well its me again. tis time recharged. why??? simple. its friday. jords blog has said wat i need to say. b4 dota... lemme talk others.

first is np. nothin fails to amaze me every training. and i mean it. first, the bus can turn without the butt moving. cool. means the front moves and the back doesnt. also, i found a sir. very interesting. beileve me or not, he looks like mr ong. ya... weird. imagine mr ong in np uniform looking strict. NO WAY. and he uses weird phrases like nicely done... and blah blah. also, i found some1 that looks like yuen chi. no way. but reali looks like him. wanted to ask his name but... cant.

dota. tio owned by bb. although i killed bb once and he killed me twice, he raid my tree like sht. reali. i must admit. he is pro. i dunno how he got to that stage. i gotta be to be like him. some way or another. well... tagged by birdie to do this. but.... the whole thing is lamo. jus do for fun, but not taggin any1.

1. that girl must not be a ah lian who smokes, and blah blah. i will die if she comes 1.

2. that girl if in this yr, mus be somehow or another be connected to the number 22. tis is super lame so u can ignore this.

3. hmm.... the girl mus be i like 1. if nt why is she here?

4. the girl mus be a REAL girl and not like wat plastic surgery and stuff. eww. imagine doin it with a guy. sick.

5. the girl can be any height. i dun give a damn if shes 2.3m tall. but which girl is????

6. no fakers. hate girls who act so cute and wad in front of guys whos actually opposite. jordan shld noe who falls in tis category.

7. those who are wad evil sceming and wad forget it.

8. last 1. i dun reali care abt chioness. but if shes chio yet nice character, why not???

once agn, the time of the week that i look forward to. its near to the end of the week, and this means DOTA all night!!! yow! and i dun understand wad chee bird is talking abt. so... i shall ignore till i understamd, which i dun. anyway, now i noe in class the ppl who play and still playing dota is Me, Bb and Jord. today lets welcome yama into the family!!!! Whoo!!!! tmr. my match with my shifu bb... then with my punching bag yc. muhahaha. both hero i usin starts with a s as in Sb and Sa. buahaha. nothin cheers me up more then a long weekend. but its only 3 days!!!

tmr. npdp the trainin. at yo chu kang. HTA or home team academy. and sht i forgot to cut my hair. hopes the sir dun catch it. its dam long. anyway. we supposed to bring 2 things. dun laugh. they are : yacult or yakult bottle and a safety pin. lol. heck. as long time passes fast tmr, i can live my gaming live once more. Rest for the LONG matches tmr. i am high over dota.

seriously.. i begin to think wad the hell is wrong with me these few days. maths cannot solve. its stuck and i am going in circles with the maths prob. unsolvable. keep sleeping in class. feel like rather. feel extremely tired these few days. once i lay on my bed, i cant wake up anymore. totally forgot abt the tution supposed to had today. forgot about the work supposed to do. argh.... wad the hell is wrong man.... didnt have all these kinda things last yr. so shld say tis is better year??? i dunno man.... i jus feel that i am nt like last yr. nt attentive.... i must change. if i wan to do better this yr. how???? dunno.

wah sai. today's the most unlucky day i ever had. woke up tis morning. felt the nose abit wet, then jus rub abit. poof! my knuckle gt blood liao. so bad ya. told my mum. she freaked out, then pass me a tissue. i jus stuff it in my nose, wanna suck the blood out. and poof!!! more blood. wake up bad liao... haiz.

then left hse in a daze... then realise, eh??? my full-u is at home!!! then call pop to rush home get for me... heng sia got liao. whole day so sleepy... cant stand it. then wah the worst is not there.

MY MARKSMAN BADGE!!!! wah lau.... totally wasted the first 6 rounds, so many out... then final score was 57/90. ahh!!!! 65 i could get the badge liao. 9 in 4 out... siao... bad bad bad.

wah today is really a bad day. have some good in it too. lets all hope tomorrow will be a begtter day. today was reali.... wonderful.

ugh... fell sick again. it seems so fast that i fall sick, but well recovering. haa. gotta chiong hw now. loads havent done. and tomorrow is school and.. ah nothin to say. the good weekends are goin to leave us. argh. well thats all. gotta go eat dinner then chiong hw and bathe and slp. really tired this few days.

sigh weekends are over. back to school. nervous man.. over the shoot on tues. scared that somehow i will not get the marksman badge. the classification shoot.... 300 over cadets... how to get? 65/90.... 18 rounds given. means at least 13 mus hit the mid area. no confidence....

well heck that. nice weekend this is. spent time with dota and so on... reali nice. nxt mon is the V day thingy. excited??? i say i duno. hope sales are good though. its cheaper then outside.... thats all i can hint.

nothin else liao beside the new class blog. www.e3online.blogspot.com. i will be there to zuo bo.... so look out. lol

well well i am back again. seems i am always blogging. well thats 1 of the ways to keep ur blog goin. another is to beg for ppl to tag. ah well keep blogging. dun wanna suffer the fate of surya (dunno why) or sam tan and justin's blog(maple addiction). at least i do blog even i play dota or BOR (Burnout Revenge. its irritating saying full version). well lets get to the main topic today.

this week is one of the most hectic week. no1 can see... but i noe. been to the new pa or police acedemy at CHUA CHU KANG for 3 days.... yow ur butt can burn. past days for dry shoot. today is for NPDP which means National Police Day Parade. haha i am a flag bearer. surpised? so am i. i am so short!!! ok i admit i am short ok???

well continue. we almost got late to bartley and so on. but the real parade began. the freakin flag is taller then me??? and we are supposed to stuff it into this errr pathethic holder which is not much difference from the bottom of the flag??? but yet.. enjoyed. time passed faster. expected to get punishments one after another but.... no 1 is complaining. weirdest is that 1 of the sir said my hair is long. lol.. its not.

the sir who took us today was quite nice... reasonable. and quite clear. and gt 1 more sir who is like bala. over the mike he said " hey contigent trainees dismiss and conduct debrief with ur KIDS!!!!" thats so bala. later he shout " hey nuggets hurry and debrief la!!!" lol.

today was the first 2v2 match. learnt loads. but still... go on. i mus apologise to some1 here. i got too into the game and broke my promise. sry ah... u noe who i am talking about. the u is the 1 i apologise to. but great experience. learnt from none other then bb. learnt loads. my little vs... love it man. but i love something more.... MY LIFE

my lucky number is 22 this year man.... yeaps. today used revolver no 22... haha. revolver is totally cool, no matter hw many times i handle with it. hope i can hit score 90 man.... which is the max. impossible, so i hope i can be like dwarven sniper... can hit them from far. haha. so nice eh???

anyway dota competition. btw yc and me. 2 strong fierce noob ppl fighting. heck la.

tell me anything thats linked to 22 ok??? tag on the board over >>>>

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