1 word that descirbes today. UNLUCKY.

today at assembly, was listening to the reflections. then heard a piak! nearby. and my hand felt cold. turn and saw.... BIRD SHIT!!!! i told bb and he laughed like sht. told jordy and same reaction. finally i gt some tissue from nina and cleaned it all off and also rushed to toilet to wash it with soap and sterlize it at home with disinfectants and stuff. i swear i gonna kill that bird... mus be chee bird's influence...

today have nothin to talk abt. wad jord has said has made my point. all i wanna say is: our class is hooked onto U2 and their song bloody sunday.

sunday bloody sunday
sunday bloody sunday.....

put ur hands to the sky
put ur hands in the air.....

npdp training. saluting contigent. GOH for sports day. am i over enthu for npcc and neglecting my studies? every fri i will have to skip sch, released at 1pm, skipping miss tan's lesson and going for smth that isnt as impt as studies. i dunno. some ppl tink that its a joy. i tell u wad. i rather take miss tan's lesson and return home before 3 thn to skipp miss tan's lesson, go to bartley, thn to CHUA CHU KANG, and back to bartley, reaching home at abt err.... near to 8 pm??? no way. these few days are already lacking in slp. not from over dota. in too much ccas. my a maths only jus hold its basics and nxt mon there is a test. geog is just days away. argh. this is totally not like sec 1s and 2s. overpowered by more of ccas thn homework.

this time, all that i really wish for, is to spend quality time with my pillow and bed. its a simple wish that is not simple to fulfuil

sometimes i jus dun understand my parents, despite the fact that i have been withj them for more thn 10 yrs. 10 yrs and i still dun noe wad are they thinkin abt. my results. nvr once myu mother nvr compare mine with some1 better. no matter i gt 1st or last, improved or detoriated, she will still compare. with those that are miles ahead of me. i jus dun get it. if 1 improves, he or she shld be praised or reward or wadever. did i? nope. got a whole load of nagging. pisses me off but i carn tell mum wad i am tinkin... in case more naggin comes...

this yr's sec 1s are totally spoilt. 80% of thm have attitude prob. mayb nt 80%, most of them. they jus tink that whn we are playing around with them they can jus climb over our heads. jus because we are nice to them doesnt mean they can take us for granted. ask themselves. hw many weeks in np and they have hw many pumpings on their belt. why in annual camp all other lvls did nt have that much pumpings but sec 1s have? why immeditately aft they returned frm cc competition 1 of thm have to be scolded like shit and hold in pumping position for so long??? ask yourselves. jus because i am a lamer most of the time does nt mean i cant pump u in the future. watch out.

well back from my np camp. it was fun, but tiring. i tink i am like a super camper as i am like went to the most number camps. well this is wad i tink. well lemme start saying abt this "leisure" camp. it really is. but maybe it is not for the sec 1s.

day 1:

came to sch. first thing was bag check. ah i am used to this kinda things. but i find it irritating casue i packed it nicely the day before, and we have to bring every thing out and in agn. well aft that first item was.... napfa test. it sucked. sit ups was the only A. i am disappointed in myself. well shall nt say anymore. i jus wan do at least 5 chin ups before nco camp. i must. thn was lunch and thn was the water splashing or water bomb activity. i was like the hot spot... with ppl splashing me left right front centre. well anyway its fun. followed by err..... dinner i suppose and thn we were goin for supper or smth like that. i carn reali rmb.

day 2:

same thing. but we started with doing a performance for miss long. she's leaving sch on fri and we decided to put up a skit abt all those scenes that were really impt in our life in np when she was with us. thn aft we went for dragon boating. haha my boat had great ppl. ssgt cheng zhong, daniel, jerrold, careen and aqil and many others. and the mini race we won. but our coordination wasnt that good. thn we went back to sch. night activity.

we first watched a movie in the auditorium. called the longest yard i tink. haha that show rocked man. its abt this famous football star which went to jail. the overall in charge of the jail wanted to have a "friendly" competition btw the jail mates and the guards. he was the coach and the quaterback for the game. and the members of the team are mostly indians. well i am nt being racist. but woah the indians in there had those great hot bods with 6 pecs and all. girls dun drool. lol. and there were weird ppl in the team too. there was this indian guy dam big, muscular, but dam bloody kind and concerned of his looks. and there was this guy who shld be a sumo wrestler whos tummy was bigger then the whole class combined. dam nice. whn the match started, the refrees were bribed by the jail keeper, and they gave unfair fouls. thn they had a change of plan. all of them took the rugby ball and shot at the referee's *toot*. once they hit so hard, this referee went so pain he went on the ground clutching his *erm. and this guy in the team said, " and he was like " OH MY BALLS!!!!" nice right? that phrase was so cool.thn was the amazing race. thn sleeping time.

day 3:

which is today. one of the days i will never forget. we did nt do much except for the performance for miss long. then she gave a farewell speech. all the girls were so touched that they cried. and i must admit. i was moved. totally. i nt stupid 2 the show was a touching movie but i did nt cry. but this was the first real life thing that made me drop 2 tears. miss long may be fierce, may be strict, but she is a great Teacher Officer. in class hw good she teaches i dunno but in np, she is a great mdm. she took us for 2 plus yrs and we will nt forget it. wad she said we will remember forever. this tells us to treasure wad we have and nt regret when it is gone.

we may nt be a gold unit, but we produce golden cadets.

this is depicted from miss long. and its vry true. who cares if we are a gold unit or not. if we are a gold unit but has no value within us.. wats the use of being a gold unit???

today went to play lan. hmm could say it went good or could say it went bad. i shant continue. later jason shows off his nw agn. wth. anyway lemme continue. aft we went yoshiyona to eat lunch. followed by accompaning bb go play initial d. and ya the fun starts now. we were walking back and wanted to go home. but was too early. so we decided to go jason hse to sit sit when we walked past and saw: a playground. an instant idea came to our heads. BLIND MICE!!!! wah that playground is so fun to play blind mice la. so freaking fun. haha. we changed to small kids. lol. but those were the fun part.

some ppl in this world that i cant stand, are those who hears things wrongly, believe the wrong things and just talks 1 thing went heard another. i wont continue saying who. u noe who u are. it could nt reached this stage if u guys did not hear the wrong thing, hear the WRONG PERSON SAYING THE WRONG THING, and freaking ppl who says completely different things from wad they heard, making things worst. i am saying names. if u somehow come find me and say wad am i talking on my blog: u have guilty consience. i repeat, I AM NOT REFERING TO ANYONE. DUN COME FINDING ME WHEN SCH REOPENS. bash me up, kill me, threaten me wadever. the fact still lies there and will not change. i maybe dead, injured or wadever. u will still be like that, believing that u are the all great and mighty when u are so pathetic ppl can crush u with their bare hands.

nwoots. our bbq can be only be summarised to 1 word. perfect. jord's fav phrase. well chiong eugene's hse aft np. and am i glad i chose to go. wanted to drag lionel to go but he gt wad freakin guitar lesson so i heck him. found ying zhen and bala. thn walked there. we had fun fun and more fun. burning marshmallows, i thrashing some ppl in hei bai chei with my new creation style, and many more. soccer and blind mice. tying my hair up with ivy's and shirlynn's hairband. play truth and dare and jus crap around. the bbq was really nice. except for 1 part which i shall not say. anyway, taking photos here and there. riding bikes and jus plain talking cock. fanning fires, making burnt marshmallows like bala. its real nice. but the freaking guard, attitude sia. cant see we having great fun bt stopped us. eee mus sack him. and i did not get splashed by water... although i reali wanted to be. this bbq is great, but somehow i have this weird feeling that it can be better. i wonder

nothin much to say abt today. i dun feel like goin np tmr... i so want to go to the bbq earlier.... but i carn pon it so... i decided to jus bring a shirt there. where sch long pants la. come home then bath. yes i noe its dirty but no other choice. today had my match agn 1v1 shawn and later 2v1 vs shawn and chunyang. which i dunno. the e2 or e3 one either 1. but... i kinda pleased with my own performance. its nt the maxed yet. i noe i can do much better. i nvr let my shi fu bb down.... muhahaha. i mus reach the ulitmate in dota, and crapness.

unleash my fury.

ok. i declare on here. every 8 of the month, will be my pms day. today... really suck. the whole day wasnt go. i went to sch, late, and gt to pumpin position. tmr same thing. hope dun pump anymore. my hands are aching. and i mean it. even jus bending it brings pain. then the whole day i tried to find miss rosianna, but carn find. finally after physics i ran to e5, to find she havent left. heng. and thats not the worst. i told acmmm that i gt to go at 1 for npdp. and guess wad. we went all the way to bartley and thn 1 bartley np guy came to i and clement and said" THERE IS NO PARADE TODAY." i felt so dumb. thn we go and find the oc of bartley. confirm cancelled. and we came all the way here.... to find it was cancelled??? WHO THEY THINK THEY ARE??? BIG SHOW??? well no choice. went back for cheer comp. sec 1s are slack. wan shout dun shout. i 1 man also louder la. i mus as well solo cheer comp... but they improving. tmr chem test. i reali goin to go mad. if 22 is lucky, 8 is unlucky but who cares abt these supersticious stuff.

only 3 things can cheer me up. 1: BBQ. 2: TGIDD. 3: NP camp.

i felt like a idiot today

ha. tired out today. actually i am tired everyday. i jus realised hw packed my time is. tmr chin. wed gt np parade. thurs gt acmmm's test. fri gt bbq. nxt week oral begins. the vry nxt day aft the oral on 15-17 is np annual camp. look hw packed am i. and i utilised my ultimate crapness in jon's class today. covalent bonding between bros... hw lame can that be??? argh too bad we dun have skits. well who cares.

and np annual camp. once agn they have me there.... but wads the use??? i feel so tired. gimme a place to slp and i will drop asleep in front of u in 10 min. trust me. i am tired. the whole week i like most is actually not dota or maple. is the bed that i go to everynight. thats wad i tink is my most beloved and every1's. who doesnt like a comfortable bed that u can go and sleep and rest and forget all ur troubles. therefore ur bed is very impt. dun neglect it.

ah i can only say 1 thing. we are left with 1 last day and our almost gruelling week of freakin lame tests that came so suddenly are goin to leave us soon!!! yay!!! and i tink almost forgot this. OUR BBQ NEXT FRIDAY!!! OUR E3 BAGHEERA SPIRIT WILL LIVE AGAIN!!!! lol. but before all this... above all else, my dota spirit will live once again. muhahah. SPIRITBREAKER HERE I COME

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