hmm now i noe ppl DO read my blog. haha... to tink i thought tt no 1 reads my blog... maybe its due to the stagnancy of the tagboard. anyway... lemme go on abt today.

today, was my record breakin of being the earliest student in zhss. i came so early... no1 was there. i went outside the audi.... was in a lost for 5 sec. thn i suddenly realised y i am here and started to do. i worked like a mad pig.... moved more thn 20 benches here and there. hmm i guess i shld apologise to lionel here. cause i shouted at him. i guess i was too worked up the. and i wish i dint shout. my throat is goin haywire.

aft tt.... contigent came. weird.... i was jittery on being pc.... but contigent i dint feel anything. haha..... maybe i am being used to have eyes staring at me. contigent is ok.... but yc and justin said tt i looked weird whn i was slow marchin. LOL..... ah who cares. my las time doin anyway.

hmm i tink tts more or less abt it la. well gtg rest my throat. it totally changed my voice. ouch..... ifisaidthethreewordstouwillitworkorwillitjusenterandexitthroughurears?

sian la... yesterday jus found out that my laptop cant switch on!!! whn on the screen is black...die liao.... all my lame vidoes, nice pics all inside. sianded. sigh.....

to all np ppl who sees this. dun blame me for saying this. but i tink tt sir guohwee is like... dampening our spirits. everytime we decide to do smth... he will say some negative comments. i dunno why. maybe its only me. tt is wad i tink. hmm some of u may nt tink so but... anw today lay carpet. the ironin is freakin difficult. sheesh. was fun la... but tiring. and the freakin rain. argh. of all days. today. eat shit.

hmm but contigent trainin was quite fun. i dint noe the sec 3 conductor for band.... the wad lisa? frm e4... she noes my name. LOL? when i dun even noe who she is.... until i saw her nametag. whn i ask her hw she noe my name... she said shes a psychic.... =.= ah who cares. haha.... the 6 slow marchers tt i made friends with. on zen the gay face from ncc, jia dunno wad frm gb, yizen frm gg, aslam from scouts and tiffany frm sj. chun yang i noe him liao... and the others are all np de. haha..... ok la. tmr still need to go to sch to iron carpet so.... i gtg slp. bye guys.

hope ur back is ok. ur more impt thn i dumb carpet. dun wanna lose a squadmate u noe?

hmm havent been blogging for a whole week so here we go....

survived a whole lot of tests. only chem to go, and the chapter is called metals. hmm somehow... i seem to understand the topic. before this, any chap acmmm taught i wont understand a single thing. but now i understand every single thing... haha super weird. anyway, i musnt fail my b3 chem.

jus 14 more episodes of bleach thn i have to slowly wait 1 week for 1 episode. hmm for those who are interested in watchin bleach and have powderful chinese and have scv, channel 56 is playing bleach every 6pm. Haha i goin to go my ah ma hse every day to watch.... hmm it would be nice to watch all the episodes agn, even if i watched it. and oh yea i dled all the bleach songs tt i like.. all thanks to MR PASSERBY. dunno who he or she is, but thanks. IF U PASSERBY READS THIS THANKS A LOT FOR THE WEBSITE GENDOU.COM. it has all the animae songs u have.

finally i am lvl 59 in maple. jus 1 more lvl to geta!!!!

hmm it seems relatively calm now. but.... it is always calm before a storm. well or it seems to be. jus keep my fingers crossed, hoping no storm comes along.

woah look at the time.... its 1.14. haha.... nvm. watchin bleach is a pushing factor for staying up late. but... today only watch from 59 to 64.... a lil disappointing. but nvm....

today's trainin. i shant comment on it. i dunno why... it seems tt many of us... are gettin more emotional. mabel and kc quarrelled even before debrief. each debrief seems to be more and mroe.... serious. each trainin, i have this feeling that our squad is breaking up... slowly bit by bit. is it because we are ncos? is it because of the peer pressure? is it because we are too concentrated on our own job scopes that we forgot our one for all, all for 1 spirit? i dunno. i reali dunno. our squad. i remember, when we were sec 2s, we were all so enthu, all so zai back then. team spirit, we were even proud when we were mere coporals or jr ncos. but when we advanced to ncos.... all these is gone. power struggle? i am confused. today, i did my part as a part councillor. i councilled 3 ppl today. 2 sucessful ones. the last 1, i dunno the results. but... no matter wad.

i dun care about what gold unit. i dun care about wad rank. i dun care about wad post. i just wan that old squad of mine back. those days, where we cared for each other, totally unlike today. or rather, this time. where have all the good days gone? all i can hope now is to ask all of them, to perservere on. dun give up. we, afterall, posses the unbeatable corporal strength.

lets see.... within last week i watched episode 1 to 50 of bleach. tts nt bad i tink.... thinkin tt each episode is abt 20 minutes long and minus buffering time and blah blah.... one hour can watch abt 2 episodes. haha.... and now i tink i am crazy over it. right now... i got nothin to do and i really feel like watching bleach now... haha. well.... since i am trying to refrain to watch it only in the weekends... i shall tell u guys out there a lil on bleach. its an animae on..... ah the story is so long. y dun u jus go to and search bleach episode 1,2,3, and so on. haha.... any1 have songs in bleach whether its the main theme song or the ending sone jus tell me... i wan it. best is the theme song.... its nice.

well let me jus say i am crazy over 3 things. dota, surprisingly maple, and bleach. dota i was sick but right now... i kinda like back into it. secondly, maple is only up to lvl 60... thn maybe i am outta it. lastly, i recently thn started watchin bleach. its nice! i recommend all who are free to watch it.

well.... today was totally screwed up. i pulled the national flag so slowly, that affected the sch flag. sheesh have been commented by so many today.... i tink at least 20 ppl. damn.... nvm. no 1 understands tt is the first time i am pulling... nvm now i noe hw fast the song is like... so the nxt time i pull shld be much faster.

well on the better side, mr lee showed us a video, abt the north korean kids. they are starving in the north. some even pick and eat food found in BLACK MUD. imagine... in here we gt all the food we ever want. seeing tt video... really cool. anyway.... the best comment i had was from bala... he said tt i look like kim jong yu or wadever his name is.... the north korean leader. do i really look like him? he said my hairstyle looked like him, and shawn agreed. zzzz pls i look younger thn him... hes 60 and i am nt even 16.....

fun fact of the day: miss ting is accelerating.....

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