well every1's blog talks abt the ban they are goin to implement due to the upcoming dreaded fearful disgustingly long, slow boring idiotically mentally painfull end of year exams are here. well.... i am faster thn every1 by 1 week. i stopped las week, but i using my laptop now to bid a final goodbye to every1. then it will be..... plugging out of mouse and keyboard and chucking them into a cupboard, together with my laptop, and chaining them up with chains, locks, laser security system, not forgetting fingerprint identification, security cameras, securtiy guards, 24 hour survillence camera, 24 hour body guards, height and crappiness idenfication system. woah no1 will be able to touch my comp at this rate. nt even me... lol.

ok well last time i am blogging till lets see..... october 11? zzz y nt october ten. then will become double ten incident... ok heres to one and all a nice eyos. good luck bubs, dudes and dudettes(meant for girls)

crap i am so afraid of a maths now. i lost my a maths textbook... and i cant find my a maths holiday homework!!! or did i not do at all... hmm sounds the same to me. anyway.... miss leong is goin to half my ass.... crap. die liao. haha as quoted from rl's blog. fk. sht die. sian la.... i gonna spend loads of money durin the holidays. hmm i mus find someway to clear my $10 debt from lin yu. i noe! goin to win back through the same way. ban luck! not bankai....

hmm today is an exceedingly boring day. sheesh nothin to say. hmm so this is how it feels without u arnd.... no1 to talk to. sian. ah wadever....

well... its almost 1 week since i came back to here. hmm i guess many of u are bored... well so am i. its boring to slack, and its boring to go to sch, lol.... weird. but so true.

this 1 whole week.... almost. lets see... abt a million stuffs happened? lets see... mon was nco trainin and it was pretty much the usual so... nothin to comment on. due to time constrain i shall skip on all the parts i was playing. if i included them, it will take me 1 day to complete this post.

day 2.... we went for energy conservation course at somerset. well... i have smth to say. its a whole waste of time. the whole course teaches u where the energy comes frm... NOT hw to conserve energy... lame shit. anyway... i benefitted this course... which is i finally get to appreciate miss ting. i have finally found another lecturer who is more boring then her. even lionel agrees with me. sian... thn after the course i went home.

wed which was yesterday. the day was terrible. frm wad i tink la. we had our 2nd class drill test. hmm took the theory test. i will say its quite simple la... nothin much. after tt.... we practiced for our practical part. lets see... the whole thing is frm 8 to 4.. abt 8 hours. excluding lunch it will be 7 hours in the parade square in our hot full u doin drill. i can tell u... its hell. so hellish, the casualties are many. ngiam, daniel, mabel, careen, michelle, kc, and me. although i say me... but no 1 noe tt i was "injured". while standin i had leg cramp in the left leg. but... no 1 knew but nvm.... it was only a lil pain... maybe its because of the long period in the sun... it affected our drill. some of us.... totally lost our mind and did nt listen to command or timing. sian..... i cant bear to see the results. jus pray to god and see....

thurs is today. its a "day off" from np. ah,... the holis are so boring. hmm jus in a blink of the eye the yr has almost ended. jus nxt yr, we are goin to take our o lvls... and we are goin to say goodbye. and this time... it may be good. argh... i cant bear to tink of the day i have to say goodbye to the ex 2e1, the current 3e3... but more importantly... the NCOS tt i am so proud of. the squad that followed me through thick and thin, through lameness and harsh times, the coporal strength, the 2nd class drill ppl. we will not give up!

hmm.... they say wads gone is gone. wads done is done. well... reali wad i have done is done. i cant revert it. hmm... maybe its better this way. at least i dun feel tt weird feelin in me. ha. hmm wad am i talkin. hmm this holiday wont feel like a holiday anymore. all the eoys.... time go on chemical rage and chiong.

omg.... i cant believe myself. i jus did wad i least expected myself to do. argh... wads done is done. all i can do now... is to pray to god tt everything goes my way. nvr felt so embarrased in my life. ARGH!!!

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