wth. wad the hell. if ur reading this i hope that it will seriously awaken u and knock some sense. if ur tinkin abt injurin urself over small things, ur seriously dumb.

my great aunt. shes in hospital as she has cancer. at first her cancer was treated through kimo, but now it spread to other parts of her body. durin chinese new year i went her house. she was still a perfect person. she looked healthy. but that was wad i thought. wad i din noe and see was that she was actually bald from the treatment and she was wearing a wig.

today my mum returned late from work. she jus went to the hospital. my great aunt had a relaspe and she was no good. my mum described to me. she was breathing heavily even through the oxygen mask. she was in great pain but she din express it in words, only beating the ward bed in agony. however she still said she was ok to let my other aunts and uncle to feel assured. during dinner i even learnt from my mum: she isnt my mum's real sister. she is adopted. mean she isnt my real aunt either. yet, she treated all her sisters and nieces and nephews nice. i din noe tt. all along i though she was a real sister of my mum's.

and guess wad

2 hours later, which is now 9.44, she passed away. WHY? WHY? she doesnt treat any1 bad. she has 2 fillal sons and 1 fillal daughter at her side. and she jus leave. like that. she dont deserve this. why mus she suffer from cancer? why mus such a kind person have this kind of disease? i jus dun understand. right now my mum is rushing over to the hospital. i wish i can go too but mum dun allow me.

life is unpredictable. jus 1 month ago i was at her house wishing her have a long and healthy life. and now... this happens. well if by now u dun get my point i will say. if u are gonna cut or slit ur wrist cause of some emo problems, i suggest u jus go stab that blade into ur veins. if ur ending ur life over such insignificant things, then ur seriously dumb. if ur not gonna treasure ur life, give it to my great aunt. she deserves it more then some dumb bastards who complain that life is not fair to them and all the lame excuses for u to go die early. she treasures her life. if god can just give her 1 more day to live and let her see her youngest son who is studying in the US.

if u slit ur wrist, dun end there. jus kill yourself already.


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