whee... time to break dam!!! hack hack hack..... ah a hole has appeared.

if ur wonderin wad i mean... the dam is my urge to play/use the comp. and a hole has appeared... flooded my hse(means kena fever by playin too much. 6 hours of star ocean, no water= burnt)

soon man... soon the shitty O'S will be OVER. PWNED!

*a tip not to kena burn: drink lots of water. thn u will be daijobu.

i gotta thank chao for givin me those 2 REAL COOL vids. damn im gettin the ayaism spirit.. her voice is pwnage... and her looks are not too bad either. whoo!!!

alright tts enough. have to study the dumb geog. haiz. FISTS OF FURY!!!!!

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