suck man

this totally sucks. my fitness level hits an all time low. cant stand up after 1 hr of ouchikumi. did not even go for randori for 2 weeks. got super shagged during judo pt which i will normally survive. got stitches after running my 2-3 rnd arnd 3rd floor. my hands peeling all over when doing pull ups. cant even do 2 pull ups!!!

im not sure is it that im still not totally recovered, or my fitness has slackened alot. i sure hope its the former. crap. this means i gotta push myself to the max... i mean BEYOND the max to get back my fitness.


today after school, i went home by myself. as i was about to cross the road, i heard a band play. i was tinkin... hw come our school band is so loud... and i crossed the road. when i turned my head back, i was reminded of a scene. a scene that brings back memories that hurt so much. last year, 2 months ago, my great aunt died. and i was thr, walkin behind that van, barefooted on the hot ground that seemed to not bother me at that time. and they were playing that very same song. its been a year. a year since she passed away. yet we are all living on. my great aunt, we are doing fine. but we all miss u dearly.

well i shld make a proper post now and then. lets see... we have a class blog, we have a class vid, we got 2 twins armed with their phone cameras, who will not hesitate to take that unglam side of urs. we got tons of phone whores in the class. lawls. my class is so nice... jealous?

man i love code geass. sensational man. the op's freakin nice can. go watch. haiz... why do our local tv programs dun have such nice songs.... even if u noe nuts abt jap u will also enjoy it.

wad else... oh yes june holi's are coming. but that also means... mid year exams are coming. hellish man... and thrs judo camp, and judo exco comin up. overstressed....

for all sec 1-4s out thr...


simple a vid made of my class by the.... twins. have fun

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