is what i want to say but, no. i dun see the happy. just today, i was supposed to go to my uncle's house in the morning. before we left the house, my mom told me that my grandma, who was living with my uncle, went to the hospital to see her sister/adopted sister ( not really clear about the relationship. the older generations are filled with problems). apparently she had a bad fall, and she bled alot. by the way, she is mute and she lives alone. when she fell, she could not call for help, and the ambulance only came after a few hours when the neighbours called.

and so the plans for the day changed to praying at temples first. when we were en route to the last temple, my mom contacted my grandma. apparently, my grandma's sis passed away. in a matter of few hours. just because she had a fall. yes i may not be close to her, but every new year i see her, since i was a baby. although we did not communicate much, but she is still family. and she passed away.

i got scared. really scared. and more paranoid. i really do not want this to happen to my grandma. i prayed for her health, and that buddha may look over her, through the 6 years of my promise. even though im a free thinker.

恭喜发财? no. no more of that. the only thing that i will wish people now is 身体健康.

from woon hong:

write a note with 16 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 16 lucky people to be tagged, listing their names.

ill do the thing, but wont do the tagging. almost all my friends stopped blogging already.

1. i started watching anime when i was in sec 3.

2. i really wanna voice in an anime. or more.

3. i may/may not look like it, but im actually quite a good listener. as in like if gt problems then wan find ppl to talk to those kind.

4. i have cut bald before, and i did not really regret it. kinda fun.

5. im tied to yama due to an eternal pact, of which i totally should not have done.

6. i never have dreams. but when i do, they usually are really weird, and really impossible/random stuff pops up. u dun wanna know.

7. the greatest "injury" i ever had was 3 stitches on the top of my head. i had that when i was in pri 2. imagine the pain.

8. in sec 4, i had a buddy, and both of us were damn into political stuffs and current affairs to the extent that we would discuss bout them. but i dun have one in nyjc....

9. MY psp is the first item above 300 bucks that i bought with my own pocket money.

10. i can survive on only a bun for the whole day, yet able to eat 1 plate of duck rice, 1 plate of char kway teow, 2 eggs and 2 toast for breakfast.

11. freaky, but i already decided that i want a daughter and i already decided on the name. i will name my daughter Shana. LOL.

12. when i was in sec 2, i loved talking on the phone. so much that my mom complained that i talked more on the phone then her.

13. i live on a low sms count.

14. when i was young, like damn young like in pri 1-3, i wanted to be a chef when i grow up HAHAHA. to the extent that i was hooked to cooking shows.

15. i spent half an hour doing this.

16. and im done!

ill be an asshole and regret 20 years later for not making a post today. I am very certain that today, jan 23 2009 friday, will be the best new year's eve i ever spent. with? 0826.

we did so much for today. to win the best dressing and rangoli competition. first we bought red bossini tees and sprayed on 18 words: 零八二六的兄弟姐妹在这春节里祝您幸福. we also sprayed "one26" on the front. in short, its just too damn good. its certain that we would win the prize. when they were announcing the winners, we were all like just planning wad to do to go up on stage. and all of us saying the whole sentence was just plan priceless.

the rangoli was wasted. you yu's design was so good. but the councillors/emcees were screwed up. they said 20 mins, and so we rushed through the thing. THEN they gave us more time like wth? we already stuck the rice and we cant remove... but who cares. we had the experience, we all had fun. and thats all that matters.

mrs wang also wore the shirt that we all had, except that hers had hearts all behind it. and im really happy to have her as our ct. even though shes not in charge of us this year, we are still as close. and im Rapheal's godfather.

this is the best chinese new year's eve i ever had. thanks so much 0826.

the last time i remember watching mediacorp serial drama series, was back in secondary school. since then, i have never ever sat through more thn 10 minutes watching any drama series produced by our broadcasting station. why? cause their storyline pales in comparison with the anime series that i watch. yet... after these years, mediacorp has not failed to disappoint me.

the so called "biggest" show of the year, the little nyonya, was aired on channel 8 and it just finished. many said it was nice or wadever, but im damn sure they still revolve around the same cliche storylines. but thats not my point.

reading the newspaper last week, they said that they had a sad ending for the show. the typical singaporeans were not happy with it, and they said they would prefer a happy ending. COME ON. happy endings are boring. YET they still yearn for it, not sick of it. if having a happy ending would totally spoil a story, i rather not have it. but thats not the point yet again.

THEY ARE COMING UP WITH A 3 MINUTE SPECIAL TO SHOW A HAPPY ENDING. please. someone knock some sense into these people. they say drama series are made to please the audience. bullshit. who likes a cliffhanger at the end of 2 series of code geass, whether lelouch is dead or not. yet, its the cliff hanger that make us all remember how great the series. what we want is the audience to LIKE the story that we made, and not make a whole story based on wad the audience likes. cause ur stories will always be the same.

lol i just had to say this. hopefully some mediacorp person or worker or wadever chances upon this somehow, and wakes up and gives us better quality drama series. if not, the drama scene in singapore is just going in spirals, and never going to change.

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