well today's the end of maths econs chem and gp. a little breather before physics on thurs. i tink 26's really cool, cause i tink we're the only class to go out for dinner after the god damn econs paper. but, we're really crazy. standing in the middle of a mall discussing about wad happen if shawn and wayne married twins, and their children will look exactly alike. and talking 26 everything. 26 class specs, boxers, television, keyboard. heck, they were even talking bout a 26 HOUSE. i can never imagine all 22 of us being neighbours with each other. we would need to buy a personal plot of land, and only have 22 units. cause the other neighbours will be complaining like mad if u put all of us together.

i was randomly looking around, and chanced back upon kjc. not kranji jc, but jie cai's blog. since 3 years ago, there are people who still remember him, and still tags on his tagboard. even though he will never reply those who tag, but the gesture is really nice.

if there is one thing in life i will not regret, it is to be in 0826. we are really a bunch of crazy fun loving, class bonding, nonsense making, teacher interacting (a select few), event loving group of people. Valentine's day eve today just proved my point. heres thanks to tan you yu, jin yuan and amos and all the guys who chipped in effort, or even just the 5 bucks to buy the girls 2 balloons, 3 flowers, and we even made a card for each of them, and have a poem for each of them. i love u guys man. and ya girls too.

0826 will live forever! through the ages, no matter if people got retained or not. no matter boys go into army, and will be seperated from the girls. no matter if we all grow up and have our own families. 0826 WILL ALWAYS HAVE 17 FUN LOVING CRAZY IMMATURE BOYS AND 5 PRETTY LADIES! ALWAYS!

today, i learnt a big lesson... which is NOT to tell people bout my dreams. cause they are weird. unlike mr tee who tells me the weird ones where i play a main char. lol. however, i feel kinda... how to say... relieved or happy? i wonder why too. anyway, expecting a huge bruise on my outer left thigh. tmr's cca bazzar. yay?

this maybe dunno how many time im saying, but being in 26 is fun. and the lacking of intelligence in a certain someone just kind of made my night.

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