people make a mistake once in their lives. i did make one, and did do my apologies and my make-ups. feeling slightly better knowing that im forgiven, but its still not done yet. i will clear up everything by next monday. it will be done.

mark lim said smth in class today, which gave me a rude wakeup call. we are all in college for a reason, taking a lvls for a reason. i just remembered the real reason why i am in jc. no time to waste. time to set in motion, the promise to my most beloved, the promise of 6 years later. there is no time to waste. Only shortcuts are allowed.

yes... finally done. the story of the children's story that we gonna act out for the children of the Sunbeam place. the title: KNIGHT OF HOONILIA. lol hoonilia. youyu's idea. this is the longest thing i have ever typed out after WR. 3.5k words. you yu and my original creation.

“My princess, what are you doing here? You should be at the ball. You must be married off to Lord Chew, the winner of the Golden Helm.” said Elijah, with tears streaming down his eyes as he said.

“No I will not dance with him. I will not marry a man that cheated in the competition, and I will only marry the man that I love.”

HAHA. i can be an author in the future.


my huge mistake for leaving out woon hong. i beg for forgiveness. She played a major role in "dramatising" the script, and givin suggestions for various scenes. would be joining the crew as assistant director as well. my apologies once again.

i changed my mind. my life isnt battered. we all should always look on the bright side of life. lets all be happy! from April 5 onwards.

im touched by this 1 incident. lemme say.

yesterday, was playing soccer with jacky, yy,nigel,twins,amos, jian yu, yiheen and jinyuan. it was relatively fun. but thats not the point.

the following thing that happened that i din know until today, is the key thing.

while we were kicking, audrey and woonhong was watching. apparently, some girls were waiting for us to kick finish, then they play bball. of course soccer we take up 2 courts. anyway.. yea they were waiting. and apparently they had bad attitude.

guess wad happened. the 2 girls actually "talk among themselves" loudly, and at the same time gl them. apparently once, the girls were blocking woonhong's view, and she said loudly "excuse me" or smth along those lines.

wow... the girls are actually standing up for us. i totally din expect that. was really really shocked, and really happy that they are doing this. even though its nt much. if u wanna say in a nice manner, they are really nice for standing up for us. even though we din know. if u wanna say in a bad way........ the girls are becoming more gl. they are being affected by the guys! oh no...

but still.. thanks alot. im sure if the guys knew, they would say the same thing as me. "so sweet!"

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